I have tracked some of our recent phone contact on a post-it!
Alyssa’s Calling Track Record:
Tues., Feb. 26th (28min & 48sec)
Wed., Feb. 27th
SHE CALLED ME!!!! Mon., Mar. 3rd
CALLED me, Mon., Mar. 10th
Failed attempts:
Thurs., Feb. 28th
Mon., Mar. 3rd
Sun., Mar. 9th
Mon., Mar. 10th
Alyssa recently did not answer for her cousin who called, I am not going to over blow this as a "problem." Her ignoring the call was just a normal reaction of someone too busy to talk to another person that you haven't been in contact with for a long time. Those catch up calls can be the most annoying things on planet earth. Who likes to answer the question, "So, how have you been the past couple of months?" Really? There is never a right time to answer these calls. You must plan on being able to talk for a large time. When does this time ever exist?
I am not sure if I would call it a cure and credit myself to what seems like the end of her phobia. But, I do think that I served as a trigger by asking her questions that urged reflection and an opportunity to wonder why she has the phobia. Persistently calling her did wonders!!
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